Getting the Most Out of the Libby App

I wanted to write a post here to help people interested in trying out the Libby app a little more easy. I found it pretty tricky to get used to initially, there's still issues I struggle with but that's just the app's set up. Libby is a library app which makes borrowing ebooks and eaudiobooks so much easier and simpler (generally). It's completely free, you just need to sign up to a library to use it (which often you can do online now as well)

Talking About Pacing the Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain Tool

I posted a video the other week on pacing (the chronic fatigue and chronic pain tool) because I feel like a lot of our introductions to pacing kinda suck to be honest. Much like my video on sleep hygiene, a lot of these 'tools' are provided in such a clinical and inflexible way, they don't really feel like helpful tools to many of us, especially if we don't know how we can adapt the original idea to something that suits us individually.

The Best Natural Mouthwash You Can Make at Home

I wanted to briefly share this mouthwash you can make at home. From personal experience of my own, my gran, and my mum, this mouthwash works wonders for inflamed gums and other mouth sores and ouches! It has a bit of a terrible taste and smell, but it really helps us out a lot. I get a lot of inflamed gums, I'm not exactly sure why but I do find brushing my teeth twice a day very difficult and I am not a regular flosser (hello ADHD). When my gums are sore or if I have another growth spurt from my wisdom teeth, using this mouthwash helps calm down those pains and keeps my gums clean and clear of bacteria.