Top 5 Recommendations from Karl Knight

Image is a green and brown collage theme. Text reads ‘top 5 recommendations’ in bottom right. Above it is a photo of Karl, a white disabled man with short hair and glasses. To the left are three book and zine covers, sick magazine, poetry prize Kin, and sore loser.

Instalment 3 of my guest post series where people I know, and friends of mine, recommend 5 things! Karl has recommended a selection of media and added a couple of honorary mentions as well! If you're into queer crip media, this post is for you!  Karl Knights is a freelance journalist. His poetry and prose has appeared in The Guardian, The Poetry Review, Poetry London and elsewhere. He was a winner of the 2021 New Poets Prize. His debut pamphlet, Kin, is out now with the Poetry Business. He tweets.

Trans & Nonbinary Music Artist Recommendations

m enjoying compiling lists of music, games, podcasts, youtubers, books, etc. with different themes, and this was one I wanted to share. Some of the people included are well known, some are less well known. I looked at some other lists, and most of them included the same five people or were all genres I don't really listen to myself even though I have a broad and eclectic music taste.

New Releases That Remind Me Of Early Y2K Emo

text reads: new releases with 2000s emo vibes. on a dark turquoise background, an image of artie in a black jumper on the right, and a screenshot from Halsey's music video Nightmare: halsey with long black hair in the centre of a mosh pit of women the image is black and white.

We thought that 2020 was going to be the Emo Renaissance with almost all our favourite bands are coming together for epic world tours or releasing new music, there has definitely been some new music produced by other genres that gave me the old emo feels. So, as a tribute to my MCR ticket that is not going to be used this year, here are some emo hits from pop musicians.