Why I Do This At Christmas

green collage background, two cards held on the left, three badges next to them, on the right text reads 'xmas cards are mutual aid'

Hi pals I wanted to talk about why I hand write and post christmas cards (and sometimes a little gift) this time of year. It takes a lot of energy to remember, and to physically write cards, and it costs to buy cards and post them around the UK and Europe. Are you or your friends even religious? Not particularly. Didn't you say you hated cards, found them pointless, and a waste of money? Yep... What's the point when you can send a message or an e-card? Well, here's my why.

5 Books About Everything That Goes Bump In The Night by Aisling O’Connor

Image is a green and brown collage theme. Text reads ‘5 books for halloween' in bottom right. Above it is a photo of Aisling, a white woman with long dark hair and holding a mug of coffee. To the left are three book covers, zom-b, ghost squad, and the lost girls.

Hey pals, For a special Halloween edition of my Top 5 Recs posts, I had to ask my friend Aisling for her spooky book recs. I couldn't think of anyone better for this month. Ash and I have worked together many times on blog posts over the years. I trust her with everything gothic, vampire, supernatural, and horror. I hope you enjoy this guest post, and find something to read this Halloween Season!

Top 5 Recommendations from Karl Knight

Image is a green and brown collage theme. Text reads ‘top 5 recommendations’ in bottom right. Above it is a photo of Karl, a white disabled man with short hair and glasses. To the left are three book and zine covers, sick magazine, poetry prize Kin, and sore loser.

Instalment 3 of my guest post series where people I know, and friends of mine, recommend 5 things! Karl has recommended a selection of media and added a couple of honorary mentions as well! If you're into queer crip media, this post is for you!  Karl Knights is a freelance journalist. His poetry and prose has appeared in The Guardian, The Poetry Review, Poetry London and elsewhere. He was a winner of the 2021 New Poets Prize. His debut pamphlet, Kin, is out now with the Poetry Business. He tweets.

Piper Huxley’s Top 5 Book Recommendations

Image is a green and brown collage theme. Text reads ‘5 book recommendations’ in bottom right. Above it is a photo of Piper, a white trans woman with curly hair, pink lipstick and black liquid eyeliner. To the left are three book covers, tell me I’m worthless, girl woman other, and detransition baby.

Long time no speak, I've decided I want to start a little series on my blog where my friends with very different reading tastes recommend 5 books they love (but this may also branch out to other things like films, TV shows, plays, who knows! but for now it's books!) and introduce you all to other online creatives, their style, and their work! First off we have Piper, who is not new to the blog, I've interviewed here for both the Elliot Page post as well as the White Privilege post. So, I'm excited for you to check out her top reads.