My Diverse Dystopian and Sci-Fi TBR

My dystopian TBR

I have been slowly making my way through my to-read lists on both Spotify and Libby and need to start searching for more of the Sci-Fi/Dystopian books I've got on my TBR but don't own a copy of! I have a leaning preference to dystopian sci-fi stories, I prefer a real world setting, post apocalypse or societal collapse. I wanna see commentary on capitalism and fascism. I want to see diverse main characters ESPECIALLY disabled characters. I don't want to see unassessed eugenics (which is so very common in mainstream sci-fi). So here is my Dystopian and Sci-Fi TBR list with their synopsis for you!

A NetGalley ARC Review Round Up #ARCAugust

text reads: arc august short reviews. on green and brown collage background, image of artie holding an ipad on the left, four book covers on the right.

Hi Pals and Welcome to a Reading Wrap Up! These are all the NetGalley ARCs I've read so far and my general thoughts and opinions. I have a reading wrap up video up for February and March which includes a lot of these books too, and then a more recent video about my Recent 5 Star Reads with a lot of the ARCs I enjoyed best, and a reading vlog of trying to up my NetGalley ratings. All for you to have a watch and see if you prefer my content written, or as a video! Don't forget to follow here and subscribe to my YouTube channel!